建物タイプ:木造軸組工法3階建-1階:商業用 2-3階:住宅
構造設計:稲山 正弘 工学博士 東京大学
- 抜き工法を盛り込んだ木造軸組構法により建築。東京大学稲山教授によりプロデュースされる。The structure is Traditional Japanese Post & Beam Wood Frame construction featuring an old “Nuki Koh-Ho” framing technique where lateral lath pieces are fed through holes made into the upright posts and secured with wooden wedges to form a rigid shear wall. Structural calculations for the “Nuki Koh-Ho” was provided by Dr. H. Inayama of the University of Tokyo.
- This Framing Format allowed structural openings along the top and bottom of the 1st floor exterior wall which greatly improved the filtration of natural lighting into the restaurant seating area.
The second and third floor house the private residence for the owner of the restaurant. - All structural framing materials are Canada Tsuga E120-F330 solid lumber (105×105, 90×90, 45×105, 45×90 and Canada Tsuga Glue-Lams)
- The structure meets all current Japanese Building Codes and Fire Codes.