プロジェクト名:七条邸 プロジェクト
場所:神奈川県 藤沢市
- Designed and constructed by one of the oldest and most respected Structural Engineering Firms in Japan, Raymond Structural Engineering Firm of Tokyo for Mr. and Mrs. Shichijoh.
- The structure features a large Two Floor Vaulted Ceiling design that houses Mr. Shichijoh’s collection of antique and valuable books along with a large volume of his literary works.
- Kanagawa Prefecture, especially along the Fujisawa City region is one of the more seismically active regions in Japan thus necessitating especially seismically strong structures.
- Canada Tsuga structural solid lumber and especially fabricated Canada Tsuga Glue-Laminated beams were selected by the structural engineer to insure meeting the seismically stringent requirements called under the local by-law.
- The entire structural frame is made with Canada Tsuga E120-F330 and Canada Tsuga JAS Rated E150 Glue-Lams.