建物タイプ:木造軸組工法 1階建 - 商業施設(保育園)
場所:新潟県 三条市
設計:山下 秀之 (長岡造形大学)
構造設計:有限会社 江尻建築構造設計事務所
建設会社:株式会社 大石組
- The structure is over 1,000 m2 in total floor area and incorporates a flat roof design that is unique in the region that is burdened with heavy snowfall every winter season.
- Designed for one of the heaviest snow load regions of Japan (Niigata Prefecture).
- Canada Tsuga E120-F330 rated structural lumber was selected for the project to insure a high seismic and vertical load resistance for the structure.